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Wanna know the secret to scoring the BEST vintage finds?? ..It's the smell you guys.. The "older" or mustier and crustier the thrift shop and items in it, the better! At least in my own experience, this has almost always been the case. This past November we went to Key West, Florida and hit up a consignment shop along the way. This particular store was RIPE so I knew it was promising. I came across this dress and bravely slid it on over my moderately clean clothes. To my great surprise, it fit like a glove and couldn't have stunk worse. Here it is in all its glory just a couple washes in. It's one of my favorite cheap finds to date. $10!! Now it's your turn. Road trips and vacations are the best opportunities. Put your best nose forward and get sniffin'.

|  KATE SPADE wallet|  EXPRESS leather jacket|  ROCK & CANDY sandals|  DOGEARED necklace|  ETSY necklace|  VINTAGE stinky dress|  TARGET sunglasses|