It's fun to keep up with trends, experiment and be daring when styling, but try not to forget what works and to tap into that every once in a while. My personal style tends to swing back and forth between new looks and classic staples. Typically, I'll try out a trend or two and revert back to a few classic looks soon after..and then start over again. With this simple look I've used a few basic rules that are easy to remember. 1. When pairing a top and a bottom, opt for one being a solid and the other being a print (generally speaking). 2. When in doubt, reference your basic primary colors. In this case I chose red (lips), blue (top) and I can almost get away with a splash of yellow (technically gold) jewelry. I like my wardrobe to be dynamic and my looks to varry..just as my mood does. If you're ever feeling stylistically stuck or bored, a quick remedy is to simply go back to the basics.
SILVERPOST earrings | MANTRABAND bracelet | ETSY necklace | MARC BY MARC JACOBS sunglasses | RALPH LAUREN POLO button up | FOREVER21 shorts | JCREW FACTORY loafers